Why "Lexpionage"?

TL:DR -> This site is a simple, text-based site to showcase information that I have gathered. There will be occasional personal articles and additions to the site, but its mostly a place for me to regurgitate the material and literature I've consumed and stumbled upon over the years. I am attempting to be a way-shower for those who seek "Truth". I hope to help shed some light on the crazyness of life here, as the researchers listed below have done for me. I "stand on the shoulder of giants" in this endeavor.

The word "lexpionage" is defined as: "The act or process of seeking for new words and/or phrases".

It is an "informal" combination of "espionage" + "lexicon". I've used it as a moniker to indicate that I am a seeker as well. It may be a word to indicate a seeker of language, but when you look into "Green Language" ("The Language of the Birds"), that's exactly the type of tool you can use to deduce what is going on in our world, as we will discuss at a later time.

To make a long story short, I grew up as a pastor's eldest child in that overcrowded police-state of a suburb known as the hampton roads area, in Virginia. I spent 23+ years in the church (involuntarily) and never really understood the religion like the "devout" did. Around mid 2016, I began to synchronistically stumble upon the works of the independent researchers listed below:

Not only did some of these brilliant men and women suffer at the hands of the system to reveal and express some of this information (or been a constant case of ridicule for those who are not willing to understand their works), but it all collectively revealed to me that the intuitive nudges and deep inner feelings of disdain about the church and my life experience were correct and actually justified. Not only that, but I was able to catch a glimpse of how vast the global occultocracy (a term for a government ruled by the occult, and in this case uses subversive tactics against it's population) has spread it's tendrils over our world.

As dark as it is, I was helped by the information that these researchers spent a good deal of their lives working to disseminate and share. It was something I dearly needed; having my worldview flipped upside down and having the real world shown to me. I had grown up in a bubble, and it has taken the last 7-8 years to integrate/understand the information that I've consumed and been contemplating. It's been a "hell of a ride" the past half decade or so.

Going back to the definition of a "lexpionage", we MUST start seeing through the lies we have been fed by the "archons" and "authority figures" of this strange world. I think its extremely important for everyone to understand (each to their own capacity) the magnitude of what is actually taking place here on our Planet. On a global scale, not just a localized scale. WE together must shed the old to grown into something new. We need to be seeking information from all facets (not just ones we believe to be "on the money"), and learn to decipher what "Truth" actually is because "Truth" is separate from our "perception" and the "rulers" of this world have so blantantly "hidden" many things from the populations. However, its in plain sight for those "with eyes to see and ears to hear."

That said, this is not a site to proselytize my "belief system", but to simply share the information as a whole, which I have gathered from years of reading various occulted materials and studying into quite a few interesting theories/sciences. We are no longer working with dots, we are connecting them to make a coherent picture and understanding of our world.

I do have to mention that I own none of this content, much of this information is inherant and you can discover on your own, if you so wish. As I said, much of it is in plain sight, as well as encoded into our language. Obviously you shouldn't believe anything you read here, without first doing your own research. However, I feel obligated to state that I personally don't believe we will be around too much longer if we continue to misbehave as a species. We are being mislead by the "least among us" and they have had enough time to prounce about and flaunt their subversive symbolism in our faces. I for one won't stand for it any longer.

In order for the world to change and peace to be had, people need to be willing to look within and change their beliefs (which is probably the hardest thing for one to do), they need to realize that their perceptions do not always equate reality, especially the totality of it. They also need to realize we are all one; they would have known if they were seekers of Truth

Lex Rex
(the Law is King)